Russian Happiness Really Shows


Hm.. Why no people dressed in red?

Hm.. Why no people dressed in red?

What do you get when you cross a concert and inside information regarding when and where the Google Maps satellite will be taking pictures? Well, if you’re in Chelyabinsk, Russia, and you have a vast supply of yellow ponchos and hats, you put yourself on the map. Literally.

The concert was played in the center of the city, hope of attracting enough participants to make a giant man-filled smiley face.  The smiley face, measuring more than 100 feet in diameter, is the biggest crowd-formed smiley face ever conceived and the only one photographed by satellite.

Google, in love with the international attention was quick to give the Russian city their gratification via almost instantly uploaded satellite photos of the region.

Don’t worry, be Russian.. No, that’s not right.




Posting from abroad..

Tonight it comes from Harrison and Clark on the South-side of Chicago.  whats better than true friends and hazy times?  It seems happening despite the hour. Our friend Mary Jane helps us have a good time and we settle in.  Inside this dwelling the concrete pillars line the flanks and – walls divide the different spaces. As good conversation turns into cartoon watching our departure nears, the night has to end sometime. Coming up next a new author..